Therefore, cleaning and tossing like a mad woman

I've done so much lately .... that the other night, I had a dream .... I was living in this enormous house with all these rooms full of closets and cubbies and storage areas everywhere .... so I sorted and organized ALL NIGHT .... At one point, I had gathered all of the shoe shine stuff...little cans of cordovon, boot black, hospital/baby shoe white, brushes, rags, buffers all loaded up in my arms and I was happily marching to the spot to tuck this stuff all away in one neat spot when ....I woke up. Normally, this would be a nightmare of great enormity for me (I detest housework and never considered myself a "suzie homemaker") .... but ..... for once in my whole life I had a place for everything and everything going into place my dreams.

Addendum: It is amazing how much duplication I am finding all over my house. You know, you go out and buy a bunch of "stuff" and then you tuck "this stuff" away ..... and when you need "this stuff" you can't find it. So you go out and buy more of "this stuff".....and it gets stowed somewhere else and so "this stuff" is scattered all over the house with all "this other stuff."
have a lot of "this stuff" if any one wants it.....

For example...every winter, and the first ice storm is coming, we go out and buy winter "stuff" ... new gloves, wool socks, ice scrapers, cans of de-icer, and cat litter (to get traction. And then freezes for about six hours. Result: I have 8 pairs of gloves, 8 pairs of wool socks, 4 ice scrapers, 3 cans of half used de-icers, and two bags of cat litter ---we have no cats .... just two dogs. OR ..... I have found three staple pullers, three phone extension cords, four staplers (one doesn't work), six spools of white thread and three spools of black thread, 8 scissors, four bottle openers, four half boxes of plastic spoons, 1 box plastic knives and no forks....all different colors ...... and ......... 7 bottles of expired sun block (yes it does expire). I found a box of birthday, mother's day, father's day, valentine, sympathy cards .... that I couldn't find to give to the person I had intended ..... Not only does not it fit now, they look like they were designed 20 years ago. WHY DO I KEEP THIS STUFF? SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!
When this is done by vacation time, and I get back from Taos NM from two weeks R&R, I will hire maid service and escape to my studio!!!! I will go without food and clothing to have someone else clean up this house regularly. Meaning I would rather go naked and starve that clean a toilet....if you get my drift. (Is that why I am fixated on nudes....just kidding:O)
Oh, I think you were writing about my house! Everything you said down to the plastic spoons that don't match applies to me!
I hate housework too, and even in this apartment without much to clean I wish I had a maid. My biggest time waster now is shopping--It seems to take all day to go anyplace. Here, I can't plan a day to do all of my errands and fill up my car with "stuff" before heading home. Now I can only buy what I can carry. That has kept my "stuff" collection under control though!
Dear PA, Thanks for your very kind words on my blog. You are a VERY talented artist. Love your figure work, very inspiring. truly T GOD IS GOOD!!!!!
If you figure out how to get rid of your stuff, let me know...I'm still working on my stuff. I went up to the "junk" room and tried to wade through it and started to hyper-ventilate.
What do you do with all the memorabilia...I know I will never put it all in a scrap book....all those salt and pepper shakers, Mardi Gras beads.
What do you do with all those pencils and pens you collect? I have a box full and magic markers and crayons.
If you figure it out, let me know.
I admire your talent ... oh my goodness your art is wonderful.
God is Good. Don't let anyone keep you from your openness about the Lord.
As I said. I understand you.
Thank you for the complement. I am working hard to improve and will continue to post. I am getting the hang of watercolor I think.
Thanks for posting.
PA Durrett
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