As a man thinketh in his heart; so is he. Proverbs 23:7

"Rejoice in the Lord alway: [and] again I say, Rejoice.

Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand.
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things. " -Philippians 4:4-9

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Is it murder to dissect? aka "smell the roses"

By William Wordsworth (1888)

UP! up! my Friend, and quit your books;
Or surely you'll grow double:
Up! up! my Friend, and clear your looks;
Why all this toil and trouble?

The sun, above the mountain's head,
A freshening lustre mellow
Through all the long green fields has spread,
His first sweet evening yellow.

Books! 'tis a dull and endless strife:
Come, hear the woodland linnet,
How sweet his music! on my life,
There's more of wisdom in it.

And hark! how blithe the throstle sings!
He, too, is no mean preacher:
Come forth into the light of things,
Let Nature be your teacher.

She has a world of ready wealth,
Our minds and hearts to bless--
Spontaneous wisdom breathed by health,
Truth breathed by cheerfulness.

One impulse from a vernal wood
May teach you more of man,
Of moral evil and of good,
Than all the sages can.

Sweet is the lore which Nature brings;
Our meddling intellect
Mis-shapes the beauteous forms of things:--
We murder to dissect.

Enough of Science and of Art;
Close up those barren leaves;
Come forth, and bring with you a heart
That watches and receives.

On Cennini Forum, some good advice was given me...i.e. "don't over analyze... observe and paint more."

This is my personality and why I am writing a blog. The problem for me in art is that in the past I always felt I was experimenting all the time. I knew what was in my head that I wanted but I didn't know how to get that down on paper or in paint. So over and over I worked and usually felt I never achieved the effect on canvas that I wanted.

Is it "murder to dissect" when it comes to art. I would say it could be if one tries to be mechanical about painting and forgets to "smell the roses." I don't think that is possible for me now ... but I could spend too much time reading and not enough time painting and observing.

Now, with the wealth of information on Cennini ... I see that there are artists that have forged through and solved a lot of the problems already ... and developed techniques that will help me achieve the results I want. So as one who loves to read and study this new resource is in fact taking a lot of my time.

So my goal is to paint 5 days this next week at least four hours each day. I will just paint and enjoy myself. So that was good advise.

A fellow artist and I will spend time searching for ideas for painting tomorrow. Wahoo.

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