This one is pretty good...
It is with a great deal of freedom, and oh so little time for art during this family & faith month of December, I manage to squeeze in a few drawings. I'm feeling so free and I am no longer afraid to show the world the good along with the not so good work.
Drawing is the key to all art and many artists today feel they have no need to develop this discipline ... and it is a discipline akin to practicing scales on a piano. I'm determined to keep drawing even in the most demanding month of the year.
The following are random sketches from my book that is always by my side.

This one is okay but not yet what I want ... a study of my daughter in view of her portrait in oils...

Fair accuracy .... quick drawing what is before me. a card table in the living room and a new set of pastels (I'm not quite ready to post that work) ... Ozzie, our white Schnauzer mix and our tree (unfinished)...I'm adding detail ... a quick sketch ... drawing what is before me.

Roxie & Ozzie ... I plan to sculpt them in the Winter Session of City Arts with Glen Thomas as instructor starting next week. I will photograph them tomorrow. I'm thinking something on this order posed together for they are literally inseparable ... maybe change the head positions ... a quick sketch.

Lots of watching football ... and I do love football ... sometimes the television is too prominent at times in our lives.

I enjoy drawing heavier women for them seem just as this drawing's feel almost free from the bondage of vanity.

Quick gestures from a book of figures.

Hi Patti!
- best wishes for the year. I'm still following along - some interesting thoughts (and nice drawings -I especially like the room interior and the first one - crouching girl)- I thought your earlier sculptures looked very good - I don't see how you can have time to feel 'fear' with all the different things you work on!
Sometimes I make mistakes and for that I am sorry. I will not let that happen again. Never do I want to betray a confidence. If you wish to speak privately to me send me an email directly that is why I added that "contact" feature. Please accept my apology.
I'm still kind of a novice at blogging ... still learning how this works.
Thanks for the comments.
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