As a man thinketh in his heart; so is he. Proverbs 23:7

"Rejoice in the Lord alway: [and] again I say, Rejoice.

Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand.
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things. " -Philippians 4:4-9

Friday, August 31, 2007

Re-do Morphing Assignment - Part 1 (of 4 Parts)

This is so cartooney to me . . . but how do you get around it with this assignment? Here is my new rendition. (I don't know what the (brack & white) brack fern has to do with this and neither does anyone else it appears. We'll find out today I think.)

One artist suggested that the crab enjoys the bugs collected on the front grill...clever thinking! Wish I'd thought of that.
Here is the link for the on-line lessons and the other artists' results on the Ceninni Forum. Quite clever.

UPDATE: Rob wrote on the forum today: "Wow! You guys are really warming to the subject and I'm impressed with all of them. They are absolutely individual. This three-part exercise was in preparation for illustrating a serious story about transmogrification. I will post that story later in the day and you'll see why I created this exercise. This sort of thinking will stand you in good stead for the coming assignment." (I did not post my drawings on the forum, so Rob's response was to what the other forum member artists work that was posted.)

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